  • Davis Hospital and Medical Center
  • Davis Hospital and Medical Center
    is located at 1600 West Antelope Drive Layton, UT. 84041 and can be contacted by calling 801-807-7749. Davis Hospital and Medical Center offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Inpatient Hospital Treatment, Hearing Impaired Clients
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay

  • Contact Us
  • A recent government study shows that alcohol abuse kills as many people in the United States every year as smoking and high blood pressure.
  • Blood or urine biomarker tests cannot determine who has alcohol dependence, only whether a person has been drinking recently.
  • An estimated 240,000 to 360,000 of the nation's 12 million current undergraduates will die from alcohol-related causes; more than the number that will get MAs and PhDs combined.
  • Alcoholics, do not process alcohol as effectively as non-alcoholics. The alcoholic�'s liver converts alcohol into acetaldehyde at twice the normal rate. At the same time, their ability to convert acetaldehyde into acetic acid is much slower than non-alcoholics. Consequently, the higher concentrations of acetaldehyde can damage liver cells, cause inflammation and exhaust the body�'s immune system. The liver�'s ability to absorb nutrients is compromised. Unfortunately, the damage is not restricted to the liver. An abundance of acetaldehyde will eventually enter the bloodstream which can affect other organs in the body such as the heart or pancreas. It can also affect the brain. The brain, like most body organs, is vulnerable to injury from alcohol consumption. Acetaldehyde can block proper brain function such as the firing of neurotransmitters which affect one�'s mood, memory, and behavior.

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