  • Highland Ridge Hospital
  • Highland Ridge Hospital
    is located at 7309 South 180 West Midvale, UT. 84047 and can be contacted by calling 801-569-2153. Highland Ridge Hospital offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Illicit Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Alcohol Detox, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Inpatient Hospital Treatment
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay

  • Contact Us
  • A survey of 4,271 students from more than 10 universities found that about a quarter of the students that had consumed alcohol in the past 30 days said they were mixing alcohol with energy drinks, either the premixed kind or Red Bull and vodka.
  • Adolescent who are light drinkers are eight times more likely to have used an illicit drug in the past month than adolescents who don�''t consume alcohol.
  • Most underage youth who drink do so to the point of intoxication, that is, they binge drink (defined as having five or more drinks in a row), typically on multiple occasions.
  • Excessive alcohol use has immediate effects that increase the risk of many harmful health conditions. These immediate effects are most often the result of binge drinking and include the following: Unintentional injuries, including traffic injuries, falls, drownings, burns, and unintentional firearm injuries.

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